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Sunday, February 8, 2015


God makes a serious offer, Hebrew 7:27

God offered us salvation by giving up his one and only son to die for the sins of the whole wide world. Now, that was a serious offer, and he  went through with all of his offers.  I believe that God wants us be serious in our walk with him too.  How many times have you witnessed people sing songs of Zion and haven't really submitted totally to God?  Just think about it, are we really serious when we sing songs like, "Lord I want to be a Christian in my heart, and when we sing songs like, Lord make me over, make me over again?" 
 Here are some more  serious offer God made to us that he followed through with.  God offers love instead of hate, hope instead of despair, peace instead of turmoil,  eternal life instead of eternal damnation, wisdom instead of   foolishness, strength instead  weakness,  understanding instead of lameness,  joy instead of sorrow, how many more can you think of?  Thank you God that you always,  follow through with your offer to us.  I believe that when were ready to change, we'll make steps towards changing. How many times have you  heard someone say, " I'm ready to give my life to God, but make no effort to change, or I want to get off drugs or alcohol but never make a step toward get off them, or I'm tired of running around with other women or other men, but never make any effort to stop.   When we see that person  making an effort to do what's right, then we'll know they're serious about what they say. More importantly, when we cry out to  God and tell him, "Lord, I'm ready to go all the way with you and I'm ready to make you my Lord and savior," God will take it from there and he'll take us serious.   From time to time, we may fool each other into thinking, well, maybe this person or that person means what he or she says, but we can't fool God at all because he made us and he knows all about us, and to that I say amen, and let's get serious with our relationship with God because he's ready to take us under his wings and show us great and might things he has in store for each and everyone of us because he loves us that much, and to that I say amen.
Louise Douglas

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