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Sunday, August 17, 2014


When people say they are working on their spiritual house.  Do you know exactly are they talking about?

I've got the answer to that one.  A spiritual house is just like a natural house except it's not tangible.  I'm going to use a natural house to bring out the way a spiritual house is built.


When a builder starts building a home, they start from the footing to make sure the house will be stable so that it will be protected from the storms and winds that will come from time to time.   Likewise, in order to build a spiritual house,  we must start  by being diligent in praying and spend quality time talking and listening to God's voice,  and go to a local church to gain more knowledge of God and get our souls charged and fed .   All of this is necessary so that our spiritual house will be able to stand against the trials and tests that will come our way.

To keep a natural house standing, it must be built out of good quality products.  If it's built out of cheap products, the house will eventually go down.  Likewise, to keep our spiritual house standing,  we must keep on spending quality time praying, fasting, staying in God's word daily, and continue going to church to get charged up and fed.


I hope this analogy has been a blessing.  If it has, please let me know by liking my post.  You are welcome to add to this topic if it's pertaining to the subject and helpful. As always, God bless everyone.






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